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Do you convey scientific messages to doctors of different cultures and languages, but face a limited headcount in Medical Affairs?

We provide a full range of Medical Affairs services in pre-launch and post-launch phases

MphaR works with physicians and pharmaceuticals to create evidence and research-backed therapies via curated and streamlined Medical Affairs services. We are a green company, implementing cutting-edge virtual tools to help significantly reduce carbon emissions. Our services include medical strategy and planning, key opinion leader mapping, virtual advisory boards, medical education, MSL training, and consensus papers. In terms of clinical trials, we also offer investigator meetings, protocol writing, protocol assessment with KOLs, a steering committee for clinical trials, patient surveys, and HCPs surveys on current treatment practices. We work with some of the world’s best bio-pharmaceutical and medical technology clients, helping them create and launch pipeline assets in different phases of life cycle management

Medical Strategy/Medical Planning
  • Development of Medical Strategy
  • Medical Planning Development (Global/Regional/Local)
  • Execution of Medical plans (Advisory Boards, Medical Education activities, Data Generation, Publication)
  • Structure and Solutions in Medical Affairs
Advisory Boards
  • KOL mapping/Identification
  • Preparation/Content validation/briefing to speakers on scientific background
  • Final Report/Consultancy on the next step
Virtual Advisory Boards
  • Use
    MphaR Virtual Advisory Board Platform
    solution to get insights from the leading experts around the world
  • Preparation/Content validation/moderator briefing
  • Final Report/Consultancy on the next step
Consultancy on Organizational set-up in Medical Affairs
Key Opinion Leaders mapping
  • Mapping/identification of the leading experts in the various TA
Medical Education
  • Symposium
  • Company-initiated Medical Education Events
  • Webinars
    • KOL mapping/Identification
    • Speaker’s briefing
    • Program development with Professional Society
    • Technical Support across the event
Special projects
  • Evaluation of performance of Medical Affairs team in Europe
  • KPIs to measure efficiency of MSL Team
Consensus paper
  • Advisory in Oncology, Neurology, Rare Diseases
HCPs survey on current
treatment practice
  • Current diagnostics and treatment practise survey
  • Risk assessment surveys
  • HCPs satisfaction surveys

Statistical analysis: descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, DCE

Patient’s survey
  • Risk assessment surveys
  • Gaps-in-care surveys
  • Medication adherence surveys
  • Post-discharged check-ins surveys
  • Patients satisfaction surveys

Statistical analysis: descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, DCE

Virtual Platform Website
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Medical Affairs Digest

Monthly update: articles about Medical Affairs, Professional Development, Key Data from Congresses

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